There is so much to be gleaned from the wild around us, from forest, field and sea-shore. Mushrooms, especially ceps and chanterelles are common.
We are out gathering as often as we can – some good mushroom places just happens to be near fishing spots. Trout and mushrooms go straight to the kitchen. we have local gleaners for samphire, bilberries, blackberries, elderflower, rowan berries and many varieties of mushrooms.
Keen local forager, Dr. John, Phd, is an expert in mushrooms and foraging in general. He gives lectures at C.A.T. and holds short courses. For anyone interested in learning from an expert, come and stay, attend one of John’s informed lectures and then go out with him and see what you can find. Anything good is then brought back to our kitchens and can then appear on your plate – and that of others – for dinner.
Courses are held for small groups from 4 to 16 people and the cost is £50 per person (for a minimum of four people) reducing pro rata if more people book.
This is a photo of Head Chef, Gareth Johns, with the results of an afternoon’s mushroom hunting.